cover image: Valuing externalities of cattle and soy- maize systems in the Brazilian Amazon;


Valuing externalities of cattle and soy- maize systems in the Brazilian Amazon;

14 Dec 2020

The technical validation and endorsement of these practices is connected to the valorization of the biodiversity present within the productive systems and the ecosystems in which they are established. [...] From the detailed analysis, hypotheses are raised about the possible responses of these segments in a scenario that contemplates financing for adjustments in the productive system and, primarily, in the maintenance of forest reserves and in the restoration of degraded pastures. [...] A typology of cattle ranchers in the Amazon can be derived from the characteristics of their production systems and in the producers' socioeconomic conditions, in their adopted technological level, in the production area sizes and in their herd size. [...] Marfrig offers the list of its suppliers,14 when filling in the SIF number of the plant and the date of slaughter, the name and municipality of the supplier appears. [...] The QR code, on the packaging of the brands with the list of suppliers that can be accessed by a smartphone and a website,15 through which the consumer can access the list indicating the SIF number of the plant and date of slaughter.
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