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The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Promoting Biodiversity and Sustainability in The Agriculture and

6 Apr 2022

With various challenges and problems in the cocoa sector, this research is expected to provide insights for the future development of the Indonesian cocoa sector, thus developing dynamic adaptive strategies concerning the sustainability and resilience to support the competitiveness of the sector with a prototype tropical ecosystem is very important. [...] TEEBAgriFood Platform Indonesia Stakeholder Meeting, 27 May 2021 5 ● The methodology used is to explore monoculture and agroforestry cocoa plantations in the study area (North Luwu) and to investigate the benefits of agroforestry to raise new hope for the cocoa industry in the future. [...] • What is the condition of the cocoa commodity value chain? What are the current barriers and challenges faced by the actors involved along the cocoa value chain? Baseline of current cocoa condition: • If there is an increase in the quality (fermentation) of cocoa, how it will impact the cocoa value chain? • If environmental certification (such as agroforestry) is applied, how it will impact the c. [...] Assistance and development of cooperatives in accommodating the results can minimize the presence of middlemen - It is necessary to share the value (production-consumption commitment) of cocoa products where in high production on the production side and certainty of purchasing from the market on the consumption side this share value needs to be adopted from oil palm plantations ● Fermentation - T. [...] Domestic cocoa is only able to meet 50% of the domestic industry, so the rest must be imported - Domestic and export needs still have high opportunities in cocoa development - The existence of chocolate-based SME such as Kampung Chocolate in Blitar is able to move the on-farm sector and shorten the upstream to downstream supply chain - Farmers who understand the processed products or the value of.



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