cover image: Uganda, the Greater City of Kambula, sewage treatment


Uganda, the Greater City of Kambula, sewage treatment

28 Jan 2013

The aim of the assessment presented in this case study is to guide the implementation of afforestation plan based on the information of recreational benefits associated with forest ecosystems to the Danish public. [...] By combining the modelling of observed behaviour with the forest characteristics in a random utility framework, the discrete choice model estimates the preferences towards forest characteristics of the total population in the region and the probability of each individual of choosing a given forest. [...] a model that estimates the demand for forest recreation) the assessment evaluates the number of visits and the welfare economic value of access to individual forest sites. [...] The assessment found that in most of the cases the population of North Zealand shares the same preferences towards structural characteristics of forests. [...] In general, an indication of when it is useful to carry out benefit transfer is when the foreseen error of not including the value of ecosystem services into model supporting decision-making is larger than the error related to the use of benefit transfer 2 The value of car-borne recreation is a minimum value of the total recreational values of forests.


Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ;Ritwick Ghosh

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