The second part will focus on current issues in health studies (based on the students’ interests) such as globalization and health and the related frameworks; the intersectionality of race, culture, gender, power and health, the politics of resource allocation in health; the politics of evidence. [...] Course Objectives By the end of the course students should be able to: • Articulate and discuss the contributions and relevance of critical analysis and critical reflection to health studies • Discuss the different disciplinary perspectives on health and assess the impact that the different constructions of health might have on the production, consequences and management of ill health • Use critic. [...] Presentations will be graded according to the: relevance of added material, evidence of understanding of the readings linked to this session, ability to summarize the key points raised in the readings and organize them succinctly, clarity of the presentation, ability to lead a discussion and level of student engagement. [...] (ii) Apply the CA and CR approaches identified in the first part of the essay to engage in a discussion of the contributions of the various disciplines to health studies. [...] They will provide a detailed description of the program, the goals, the health issue they work on, the determinants of that problem and their understanding of the theoretical basis of the program.