Guidelines on the OFC’s Risk Category Re-assessment Process - May 2023


Guidelines on the OFC’s Risk Category Re-assessment Process - May 2023

26 May 2023

May 2023 1 Guidelines on the OFC’s Risk Category Re-assessment Process Purpose of Guidelines The purpose of these guidelines is to provide information to regulated professions and health regulatory colleges (hereinafter “regulators”) on the process that the OFC will follow for responding to requests from regulators to reassess the risk categories in which they were placed in. [...] The OFC would also request that the regulator indicate whether the underlying risk factors continue to exist in their original or modified forms, despite the steps that the regulator has taken. [...] The submission should include: • A description of the risk(s) that the regulator wishes the OFC to reassess. [...] The OFC will then review the information submitted and communicate the OFC’s decision back to the regulator. [...] While these guidelines propose that the identified procedures be followed in a certain sequence, the OFC may tailor the approach to fit the circumstances of the case.


Lalonde, Marc (He/Him) (MLITSD)

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