cover image: Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) Application Faculty of Social Sciences


Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) Application Faculty of Social Sciences

9 Jun 2023

4) Methodology: Discuss the research activities planned for your study including the methods you plan to use to collect and analyze data. [...] This statement should also describe how this collaboration will work to benefit the student researcher and align with the goals of the USRA. [...] The USRA should be used for a project that is a unique contribution by the student, and that is connected to the supervisor’s research program. [...] Student Researcher Name: Date: Signature: I hereby agree to supervise the student in completing the proposed USRA research during the proposed period. [...] Faculty Supervisor Name: Date: Signature: General Instructions Part 1: Faculty Supervisor Information Part 2: Student Researcher Information 1) Research Project Title 2) Research Question and Objectives: Describe the challenge/problem the research addresses, the specific research question(s) and/or objectives explored in your study, as well as the learning and skills the student will gain and/or t.


Gouweloos, Julie

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