cover image: Supporting a Safer Internet Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence: Annotated Case Studies


Supporting a Safer Internet Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence: Annotated Case Studies

10 Apr 2023

When analyzing the items, the author’s credentials, the information presented in the piece and the accuracy of the sources’ claims were all criteria that were used to examine the work’s contribution to the field. [...] One of the patriarchy’s tools for the creation and maintenance of gender hierarchy in African societies is the obscuring of sexuality in secrecy and taboos. [...] The research found that there is a wide gap between the young women surveyed and interviewed, and the police officials interviewed, about their views on the experience of OGBV and the appropriate responses to it. [...] This collection of articles is the product of a joint project implemented by Brazilian and Australian researchers and professionals with the aim of enhancing the debate on gender and family violence prevention. [...] Fungai Machirori examines the various forms of online violence against women and girls, and advocates for the adoption of effective policies and laws, as well as the implementation of initiatives such as gender- sensitive education and awareness-raising campaigns.
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