cover image: Support and Recommendations for the City of Prince Albert’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions


Support and Recommendations for the City of Prince Albert’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions

15 Jun 2023

It is important that the City of Prince Albert (the “City”) helps to show the causes of climate EMAIL change and a path forward, creating a sense of momentum, while addressing affordability. [...] [emphasis added] 1 SYNTHESIS REPORT OF THE IPCC SIXTH ASSESSMENT REPORT, online: SES is pleased that the City has recognized the importance of electrification and energy efficiency as demonstrated by the upgrade of lighting to LEDs and the recent purchase of electric ice resurfacing equipm. [...] As the City is closely connected to the forestry industries, we would encourage council to The Land Gap Report of 2022 which helps explain why governments’ over reliance on carbon removals could prove problematic.2 Climate change is caused by human activities that burn fossil fuels like gas, oil and coal and release carbon pollution into the air which traps the sun’s heat. [...] We owe it to our children and grandchildren and all future generations to do everything we can over the next decade to address the climate emergency and to set the stage for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. [...] We look forward to seeing further details outlining the pathway to net zero for the City of Prince Albert.



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