cover image: Quality, Quantity and Duration of Lives - Jean-Yves Duclos, Bouba Housseini


Quality, Quantity and Duration of Lives - Jean-Yves Duclos, Bouba Housseini

4 Dec 2014

1-2) These sorts of trade-offs are particularly important in cthoentext of the ag- ing of the population and in that of the public finance preessufer lt in most of Canada’s provinces. [...] Before turning to the analytical core of the paper, howeivt eisr,useful briefly to take stock of some of the considerable changes that hutymhaansi seen over the last century in each of the dimensions of life qualitfye, lqi uantity and life duration. [...] Conversely, the greater the curvatureuo—f or the faster the decrease in marginal utility — and the larger the total amount of resourcYe,sthe higher the optimal population size. [...] The greater theuveal of α, the lower the optimal number of years; analogously, theatgerethe con- cavity ofu and the higher the total consumption available, the larhgerotptimal duration of lives. [...] The combined effects of life quality, qutiatynand duration lead to an annualized growth rate of total lifetime income of arou4n%d throughout the century — almost three times that of the growthpienr capitaincome and sur- passing the 3.19% growth of the HSBC-style social welfarnectfiuon of Section 5.1.
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