12 Where the 1993 Telecommunications Act empowers the CRTC to award costs to those participating in telecom proceedings,7 the Broadcasting Act empowers the Commission to “issue licence … subject to such conditions related to the circumstances of the licensee … as the Commission deems appropriate for the implementation of the broadcasting policy set out in subsection 3(1) ….”8 13 The CRTC has impos. [...] The Commission explained that in applications for its approval of such transactions … the onus is on the applicants to demonstrate that approval of the transfers would be in the interest of the public, the communities served by the licensees … and the Canadian broadcasting system. [...] In that decision, the Commission expressed concern over the extent of the programming changes, the impact of the changes on the communities served by the stations, and the lack of information provided by RBL in regard to the level of consultation that may have taken place with the community advisory councils for its various stations about the upcoming programming cuts. [...] The Commission must be satisfied that the proposed benefits package is commensurate with the size and nature of the transaction and takes into account the responsibilities to be assumed, the characteristics and viability of the broadcasting undertakings in question and the scale of programming, management, financial and technical resources available to the prospective purchaser. [...] Specifically, in evaluating whether or not the time expended by a claimant is excessive, the Commission may consider (a) the extent of the applicant’s participation, the degree of complexity of the issues to which that participation related, and the amount of documentation involved in the proceeding; (b) the degree of responsibility assumed by the claimant; (c) the duplication of substantive submi.