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Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Trends: - Why it’s important and

29 Jun 2023

To be considered a Responsible Investment (RI) fund under this new framework, a fund must have an RI/ESG investment mandate and meet the criteria of at least one of the framework’s outlined approaches: ESG Integration and Evaluation, ESG-Thematic Investing, ESG Exclusions, Impact Investing, ESG-Related Engagement and Stewardship Activities, and ESG Best in Class. [...] To prepare, private companies would be well-served to outsource some of the work needed to track and reduce their carbon emissions and to implement a governance structure focused on reducing climate-related risk. [...] 15 | Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Trends Things to think about Now is the time for organizations to revisit their policies around harassment, gender pay, and diversity and inclusion and tie them to ESG. [...] Not only does this involve bringing in ESG experts to sit on the board (or at least inviting experts to the table from time to time), but there is a growing expectation that all members of the board have at least a broad understanding of ESG matters. [...] While, in the past, companies could essentially choose which ESG standards and frameworks they would align themselves with, today ESG disclosures are becoming more codified and proposed regulatory changes in the United States and Canada are expected to provide additional guidance in the near future.
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