cover image: Framework for Addressing Homelessness - Feb 21/23 Regional Council |



Framework for Addressing Homelessness - Feb 21/23 Regional Council |

15 Feb 2023

Direct the CAO to formalize criteria and locations for the designation of overnight sheltering sites in parks consistent with the criteria and locations described in the body of the staff report dated April 28, 2022, with the removal of the one-night camping sites, and addition of those sites to the list of potential longer term camping sites if required and possible to ensure adequate supply to m. [...] 39 7A The purposes of the Municipality are to … (b) provide services, facilities and other things that, in the opinion of the Council, are necessary or desirable for all or part of the Municipality; and (c) develop and maintain safe and viable communities 79A(1) Subject to subsections (2) to (4), the Municipality may only spend money for municipal purposes if (a) the expenditure is included in the. [...] As the municipality hopes to see improvements in the response and support to the growing homeless population, the capacity of the sector is critical to any effort. [...] This framework outlines a recommended approach for the municipality to take to help address homelessness and the lack of affordable housing in the community with a focus on those areas where the municipality is uniquely positioned to do and gaps that it can fill in order not to duplicate the efforts of others. [...] ADMINISTRATION OF THE LAW The municipality administers and enforces the laws, regulations, and bylaws enacted by Regional Council, the Province of Nova Scotia, and the Government of Canada.
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