cover image: Schedule S-1: Design Manual



Schedule S-1: Design Manual

26 Nov 2021

The placement, scale and awnings and canopies is required along the design quality of the building’s streetwall, as well as pedestrian-oriented commercial frontages shown the uses provided at-grade, can determine the nature on Map 3, and is encouraged elsewhere and character of the streetscape and reinforce throughout the downtown. [...] - Middle: The body of the building above the base should contribute to the physical and visual quality of the overall streetscape. [...] A traditional style building that expresses a ‘Base’, ‘Middle’ and ‘Top’ - Top: The roof condition should be distinguished from the rest of the building and designed to contribute to the visual quality of the skyline. [...] Due to the vantage points afforded by the sloping condition of downtown, the bridges, the Citadel, and the long views across the water, the design of roof conditions must be care - fully considered. [...] the upper storey streetwall setback is consistent that the streetwall setback would be inconsistent with the objectives and guidelines of the Design with the character of the street.


McFarlane, Cara

Published in
