cover image: CITY OF HAMILTON - By-law No. 07-170 A By-law To License and Regulate Various Businesses



CITY OF HAMILTON - By-law No. 07-170 A By-law To License and Regulate Various Businesses

30 Jan 2023

6.(1) The applicant shall make a written application for a licence, and shall include in or with the application: (a) the particular class or classes of licence applied for; (b) the full name, home address and telephone number of the applicant; (c) any other information as may be required for the kind and class of licence by the Schedules, or as may be required by the Director of Licensing to iden. [...] the conduct of the applicant or licensee (in the case of partnership, the conduct of its partners, employees or agents or in the case of a corporation, the conduct of its officers, directors, employees or agents) affords reasonable grounds for belief that the applicant or licensee will not carry on or engage in the business in accordance with the law or with honesty or integrity. [...] (2) Where the decision of the Licensing Tribunal is: (a) to issue a licence or conditional licence, the Director of Licensing shall issue the licence or the conditional licence, on the terms directed by the Licensing Tribunal; or (b) to refuse or revoke a licence, any further hearing with respect to that licence shall be not considered for one year from the date of the Licensing Tribunal's decisio. [...] On every application for a licence or for the renewal of a licence: (a) the applicant shall attend in person, and not by an agent, at the office of the Director of Licensing to file the application provided by the Director of Licensing and shall furnish such information as the Director of Licensing may direct; Revised: January 2023 N:\REFERENCE\By-laws (including Consolidated and Short Form Wordin. [...] (5) Where a corporation is the holder of an owner’s or operator’s licence or licences, the corporation shall forthwith notify the Director of Licensing in writing of all transfers of existing shares and of the issue of any existing or new shares of the capital stock of the corporation, and of any such transaction involving the shares of any corporation referred to in subsection (2), and the Direct.


Dawn Pokorad

Published in
