cover image: NRSI 1771 ArkellRdProperties RevisedEIS 2021 11 17 clean



NRSI 1771 ArkellRdProperties RevisedEIS 2021 11 17 clean

17 Nov 2021

For the purposes of this report the lands in total will be referred to as the ‘subject property’ or the ‘Arkell Road properties’, while the portion of the lands being proposed for development will be referred to as the ‘development area’. [...] Of the SAR and SCC that were identified as having records within the study area and surrounding 10km, three SAR and seven SCC were flagged during the preliminary screening as potentially having suitable habitat within the vicinity of the subject property. [...] This extension of the municipally required road through the Arkell Road properties and associated 3:1 slope will encroach into the 30m buffer to the PSW; however, will be outside of the 10m buffer to the Significant Woodland. [...] The purpose of this monitoring location was to assess the vertical gradient between the MW4 monitoring station located near the wetland boundary at the northern corner of the subject property and the mini- piezometer located just inside the PSW. [...] Based in the data collected in the mini piezometer and the adjacent monitoring well (MW4), the MTE determined that the hydroperiod of the wetland is controlled by seasonally high- water table conditions in the late winter and spring (MTE 2018).



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