cover image: 03 2023-Operating-Plan Operating-Budget-and-Financial-Overview



03 2023-Operating-Plan Operating-Budget-and-Financial-Overview

23 Dec 2022

With the approved parking strategy (20-G-168) allowing for upcoming changes to the pricing structure, the parking service financial sustainability will continue to improve and with the anticipation of more people visiting the downtown and returning to the workplace, the impact of COVID on revenues is expected to ease. [...] The discounts in first 5 years of the DC bylaw are expected to cost around $90 million, although this will depend on the pace of the collections that the City has for the next 5 years and any possible offsets from the province. [...] The decrease is due to the introduction of the Stormwater User Rate which shifted $7.7 million of the contribution to fund stormwater asset renewal capital works from the Tax Capital Reserve to the new Stormwater Capital Reserve Fund. [...] Some of the main projects funded from the Wastewater Capital Reserve included in the 2023 Capital plan are the advanced nutrient removal improvements to the WwTF to comply with the Provincial phosphorous effluent limit requirements, construction of a new Wastewater Administration Facility, and the relocation of a sanitary sewer as part of the Dunlop Street Interchange Replacement, from Sarjeant Dr. [...] Other large projects funded from the Federal Gas Tax in the 2023 Capital Plan are the reconstruction of right of way assets in the HNS Allandale B Neighbourhood, the End-of-Life Pavement Replacement Program, and the Solar PV Installation Program for the annual installation of solar panels as part of the corporation’s net zero emissions objectives.
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