cover image: 10 2023-Operating-Plan Glossary



10 2023-Operating-Plan Glossary

3 Jan 2023

Base Budget: A reflection of the budget resources (financial, human, and other) that are required to maintain service levels at the level provided in the previous year. [...] A fund balance is the excess of cumulative revenues and other sources of funds over cumulative expenditures and other uses of funds. [...] The levy for a particular property is calculated by multiplying the assessed value for the property by the appropriate tax rate for that property’s class. [...] These activities will significantly reduce operating costs, improve the quality of output of the asset and or increase the service capacity of the asset. [...] User Fees: The amount of revenue generated from the imposition of charges for the use of municipal facilities or services by an individual or group and not the community at large.


John Kuehl

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