cover image: CITY CLERK 11 Request for Funding for an Energy Plan for Toronto; and Status

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CITY CLERK 11 Request for Funding for an Energy Plan for Toronto; and Status

13 Oct 2006

The Policy and Finance Committee submits the communication (September 15, 2006) from the Budget Advisory Committee: Recommendation: The Budget Advisory Committee recommended to the Policy and Finance Committee that City Council adopt the staff recommendations in the Recommendations Section of the report (September 12, 2006) from the Chief Corporate Officer. [...] Background: At its meeting of June 27, 28 and 29, 2006, City Council in considering the report “Status Report on the Energy Plan for Toronto – Update” (Clause 20 of Report 5 of the Policy and Finance Committee) requested the City Manager to report in time for the 2007 budget process through the Budget Advisory Committee, to the Policy and Finance Committee for its meeting to be held on September 1. [...] Conclusion: This report recommends an adjustment to the 2006 Facilities and Real Estate Division’s Approved Operating Budget in the amount of $15,000 gross, zero net and a direction that the 2007 Operating Budget of the Facilities and Real Estate Division include $570,000 gross; zero net for the remainder of the funding for the Plan, for consideration with the City’s 2007 Operating Budget process. [...] To support the public consultation process, promote sustainable energy use and inform the people of Toronto and other jurisdictions about the efforts the City is making in the areas of energy conservation, demand management and the generation of renewable energy a communication program will be undertaken. [...] Toronto City Council 14 Policy and Finance Committee September 25, 26 and 27, 2006 Report 7, Clause 11 Communications strategies for the Energy Plan will be developed for each phase of the Energy Plan to support the public consultation process, announce the adoption of the final plan and advocate implementation of the Energy Plan.



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