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Submission Standards - Markham ePLAN Submission Standards - For all Development Applications

17 Mar 2023

Please also refer to the Application Specific Quick Reference guide for a list of typical submission material requirements for a particular application type and also to the Pre-Consultation Checklist provided to you at the end of the Pre-Consultation process. [...] The Quick Reference guides can be found on the under the Application Submission tab of the web page dedicated to each of the application types. [...] 2 ePLAN Submission Standards March 2023 Submission Standards BLANK SPACE ALL DOCUMENT AND DRAWING FILES The top right corner of all drawings and documents must be reserved for the City of Markham’s electronic approval stamps. [...] The files in the Drawings folder must display in the same order as they would appear if they were printed and bound in a drawing set for a paper submission. [...] For drawings belonging to a set, file names must contain the sheet number and title of the drawing.



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