cover image: Committee of Adjustment Agenda - Call to Order

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Committee of Adjustment Agenda - Call to Order

6 Apr 2023

Planning staff note that the proposed development does not result in the reduction of yard setbacks, with the exception of the porch encroachment, and is of the opinion that the size of the proposed dwelling will not negatively impact the existing streetscape or character of the area. [...] The development, as proposed, meets the general intent of the Official Plan as the development is compatible with the neighbourhood and the scale of the requested variances are relatively minor and are not anticipated to create a negative impact to the neighbourhood. [...] On the basis of the preceding, staff is of the opinion that the proposal meets the four (4) conditions described under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act for the evaluation of minor variance proposals. [...] Planning staff has reviewed the applicant’s development proposal within the context of the neighbourhood, as well as the policies of the Official Plan and the provisions of the applicable Zoning By-law. [...] Committee of That the Solicitor for the Owner give an undertaking in Adjustment: writing to provide to the Secretary Treasurer of the City 905-771-2443 of Richmond Hill within 30 days of the date of registration in the Land Registry/Land Titles Office a copy of the receipted and registered electronic transfer document including the Form 2 for Consent B009/23.


Jaime Hope

Published in

