cover image: Committee of Adjustment Agenda - Call to Order

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Committee of Adjustment Agenda - Call to Order

23 Feb 2023

On the basis of the preceding, staff is of the opinion that the proposal meets the four (4) conditions described under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act for the evaluation of minor variance proposals. [...] On the basis of the preceding, staff is of the opinion that the proposal meets the four (4) conditions described under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act for the evaluation of minor variance proposals. [...] On the basis of the preceding, staff are of the opinion that the Consent Application B036/22 complies with the criteria listed under Section 51(24) of the Planning Act and conforms to the City’s Official Plan. [...] Committee of That the Solicitor for the Owner give an undertaking in Adjustment: writing to provide to the Secretary Treasurer of the City 905-771-2443 of Richmond Hill within 30 days of the date of registration in the Land Registry/Land Titles Office a copy of the receipted and registered electronic transfer document including the Form 2 for Consent B036/22. [...] Planning staff has reviewed the proposed Minor Variance Application on the basis of the preceding and determined that the variances for a reduction to the minimum side yard setbacks, an increase to the maximum driveway width and the increase to the maximum encroachment of the front porch into the minimum required front yard meet the four (4) tests outlined in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act.


Jaime Hope

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