In this regard, the requested relief from the by-law, as proposed, are considered minor in nature, are appropriate for the development of the land, and meet the general intent of the applicable zoning by-law and of the City’s Official Plan. [...] The proposed addition maintains the existing first storey setback along the west property line with the exception of a minor extension into the rear yard, which due to the tapered property line, has a narrower side yard Committee of Adjustment Agenda: February 9, 2023 Page 9 of 11 setback than the remainder of the proposed addition. [...] Planning staff is of the opinion that the location of the proposed second storey addition will not negatively impact the existing streetscape or character of the area. [...] On the basis of the preceding, staff is of the opinion that the proposal meets the four (4) conditions described under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act for the evaluation of minor variance proposals. [...] In this regard, the requested relief from the zoning by-law, as proposed, are considered minor in nature, are desirable for the development and use of the land, and meets the general intent of the applicable Zoning By-law and of the City’s Official Plan.