cover image: 220 Arkell Road, Guelph Revised Preliminary Servicing, Grading and Stormwater



220 Arkell Road, Guelph Revised Preliminary Servicing, Grading and Stormwater

5 Apr 2023

The intent of this Report and the Supplementary Reports is to ensure that the commenting agencies and the Public are made aware of the servicing strategies for the proposed Development. [...] The Internal watermains will be terminated at the east limits of Street A with the intention of ‘looping’ the watermain back to the adjacent Development to the east providing the ultimate connection back to existing Poole Street to the north. [...] The quantity control requirement for the proposed site as a whole is to meet pre-development peak flow rates as outlined in the TCSS; however, to aid in the design of the SWMF, unit flow rates for the overall TCSS catchments were generated to provide target release rates from the proposed SWMF. [...] The top of stone for the gallery is at 334.80 m, which is the elevation of the overflow pipe to the wetland, allowing the trench to become fully utilized before flowing downstream. [...] Given the proximity of the site to the Torrance Creek Swamp PSW, the details and frequency of these inspections should be discussed with the City and the GRCA with details provided at the detailed design stage.


Schumann, Kathy

Published in