cover image: Appendix C.6: Limited Phase 1 ESA Report



Appendix C.6: Limited Phase 1 ESA Report

11 Jan 2023

The findings of the Limited Phase I ESA will provide a baseline of understanding for the planning of property acquisition, dewatering/groundwater management, and excess soil management work in the future design and planning stages and to identify appropriate environmental work and mitigation measures recommended for completion during the detailed design and construction phases of the project. [...] The topography within the study area generally slopes downward toward the middle of the study area with the lowest elevations seen along the Credit River valley. [...] 4 RECORDS REVIEW 4.1 MECP and Municipal Freedom of Information Requests Based on the proposed scope for the corridor-wide Limited Phase I ESA, FOI requests to the MECP and the City were not conducted for any of the properties within the study area. [...] The aerial photograph review was conducted primarily to provide a general development history of the area, to verify the historical land uses and any changes in land uses, and to help identify the likelihood of potential contamination in relation to the properties within the study area. [...] Site visit observations included noting any limitations associated with the visit, the presence or absence of buildings and infrastructure on the properties, the potential presence of any hazardous materials or any unidentified substances, the presence of storage containers and tanks, the sources of potable water, and the potential presence of any special attention substances.
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