cover image: Portable Signs on Road Allowances - 05-01-08



Portable Signs on Road Allowances - 05-01-08

19 Jan 2023

“Road Allowance” includes any municipal road allowances within the boundaries of the City of Mississauga, whether under the jurisdiction of the City of Mississauga or the Region of Peel. [...] Factors considered when delineating locations within Road Allowances and allocating sites include: • The visibility offered by the particular location • Traffic patterns and flow • The need for a limited, balanced distribution of signs across the City • Aesthetics, and • The ability of the location to satisfy the standards for the placement of Portable Signs as set out in this policy Policy Number. [...] Use of Delineated Locations within Road Allowances and Allocated Sites Members of Council, City departments, the Region of Peel and the Living Arts Centre have exclusive use of the sites allocated to them, subject to the issuance of a permit. [...] area of each sign face and height of the sign above grade), and • The message which will be conveyed on the sign, which must include the name of the applicant or organization Penalties Any contractor or applicant that displays, or causes the display, of a sign that is not in accordance with the message requirements outlined above and/or which deviates from the message submitted on the application. [...] Security Deposits The party responsible for the installation and removal of the sign must provide a security deposit in the amount of $300 per sign to ensure the removal of the sign by the date specified in the permit and/or to ensure the restoration of the boulevard in the event of damage to the boulevard (refer to Corporate Policy and Procedure - Securities Other than Development Securities or P.


Pamela Shanks

Published in
