cover image: Administrative and Educational Policy 2023


Administrative and Educational Policy 2023

16 Aug 2023

Undertake a pilot project to evaluate the draft program of funds senior high school programing to ensure that the funding studies, the teaching and learning resources, and the impact of provided takes into account the nature of the programs being the program on teacher workload. [...] [2021, 2022] [1984, 2019] The Government of Alberta should respect the subject- While providing specific resources to achieve the objectives area knowledge and pedagogical expertise of Alberta’s active of the program of studies, the Government of Alberta should not classroom teachers and ensure that they have, through their restrict the right of teachers to select their own resour. [...] [2017, 2019] [2015, 2019] The Government of Alberta should continue to consult The curriculum at all levels should help students the Association and other education partners on, and to fund, the develop a critical awareness of the role that the media and digital implementation of evidenced-based strategies for transforming technology play in a democratic society. [...] Right of Access [1988, 2019] The Government of Alberta should amend section 3(1) The Government of Alberta should communicate (a) of the Education Act to extend right of access for students promptly with schools about the medical needs of at-risk students from younger than 19 years of age to younger than 21 years of in their care and about the measures that the various g. [...] the breadth and depth of the resources and the extent to which The Government of Alberta should ensure that teachers they comply with the provincial curriculum; in schools are able to copy and revise digital resources that the 5.
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