Employment Services for Displaced Ukrainians in B.C. Arrival Advisor App is Now Available in


Employment Services for Displaced Ukrainians in B.C. Arrival Advisor App is Now Available in

8 Jun 2023

The Government of Canada has set-up a Jobs for Ukraine website for displaced Ukrainians to search for employment, for employers to post employment opportunities for them in Canada, and community groups to offer their support. [...] Access to trusted, accurate and up to date information remains a top challenge for those looking to start a new life in Canada. [...] Developed by PeaceGeeks, Arrival Advisor is a free mobile application to help newcomers in British Columbia to find information and services to plan their settlement journey. [...] The application was designed alongside immigrants, refugees, community service providers, and coordination organizations, and bridges current gaps in the accessibility of information for those being new to the province. [...] The Seeking Refuge bulletin has been created to keep service providers up-to-date on news, resources, and to provide information on frequently asked about topics related to recent migrations of displaced Ukrainians and resettled refugees.
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