cover image: Practice  |  Clinical images - Gingival amalgam tattoo


Practice | Clinical images - Gingival amalgam tattoo

10 Aug 2023

doi: 10.1503/cmaj.230584 Figure 1: (A) Photograph of a black and blue-grey lesion in the maxillary gingiva of a 73-year-old man with an amalgam tattoo. [...] The lesion was observed along the gingiva adjacent to a porcelain tooth fused to a metal bridge (from the left central incisor to the canine, extending to part of the alveolar mucosa). [...] However, the lesion was not observed at the gingival margin and palatal gingiva attached to the porcelain fused to the metal bridge. [...] (B) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of the biopsy of the lesion showed black granules in the connective tissue (magnification × 400). [...] can reduce operative time and postoperative pain.3 An amalgam tattoo is among the most common pigmented lesions in the oral mucosa.
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