cover image: Blasphemy charge against maverick Islamic cleric underscores rise of conservatism in Indonesia


Blasphemy charge against maverick Islamic cleric underscores rise of conservatism in Indonesia

16 Aug 2023

divergent Islamic teachings has raised concerns over The cleric now faces a sentence of up to five years in the increasing prominence of Islamic conservatism in a prison for blasphemy, six years for hate speech, and 10 country that ostensibly promotes a moderate, tolerant years for spreading “fake news” and “deliberately causing strand of Islam. [...] These policies, which June 14 stated that the Quran was not the word of God, run counter to the gender segregation and language but rather were the words of the Prophet Muhammad, 1 . [...] The of Gumilang’s arrest, the Ministry of Religious Affairs Indonesian police deployed 1,200 personnel to safeguard has announced plans to introduce new management at the demonstrations. [...] Anies is vying for the top job with Institute are concerned that Indonesia’s blasphemy the support of the Coalition for Change — a political law curbs freedom of religion and expression and have alliance between the conservative Islamist Prosperous pleaded with the government to be fair in handling the Justice Party (PKS) and two moderate parties, the Al‑Zaytun case. [...] The section on blasphemy Religious minority groups officially recognized by the government often face discrimination and in the revised criminal code has expanded from one to persecution in Indonesia.
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