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Research Group on Human Capital Working Paper Series

30 May 2023

The Census records the child’s province of residence at the time the census is conducted whereas the IID records the child’s province of residence when the child is matched to their par- ents, generally between the ages of 16 and 19. [...] The average income rank of children of the 1.5 generation arriving between the ages of one and five is not 20 statistically different than that of children arriving between the ages of six and 10, regardless of parental income rank. [...] 4.3 Estimates of Age at Immigration Effect As explained in Section 3, the causal effect γm of age at immigration on the income rank of children of the 1.5 generation is estimated by interacting the age at arrival m with the predicted income rank of the average second generation child r̄odps from the same region of origin o, region of residence d, parental income rank p and birth cohort s. [...] The income rank of children of the 1.5 generation in adulthood diverges from the average income rank of second generation children by 2.0 percentile ranks with each belated year of immigration between the ages of one and 10, although, this result is not significantly different from the baseline specification. [...] The More Things Change: Immigrants and the Children of Immigrants in the 1940s, the 1970s, and the 1990s.
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