cover image: Synthesis of Recommendations and Assessment of Action to Reduce


Synthesis of Recommendations and Assessment of Action to Reduce

16 Jun 2023

Excess nutrients are a pervasive threat in several transboundary basins beyond the Great Lakes (e.g., Lake Champlain and Lake of the Woods), and although the focus of this project has been on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, there are substantial opportunities to share the understanding of science and management approaches across basins. [...] The following sections provide results of the literature review, an analysis of data gaps and critical uncertainties that limit some management actions and decisions, summaries and comparisons of IJC report recommendations and domestic action plan commitments (with appendix tables), a workshop summary, a summary of results, and a list of references. [...] Effective ways to reduce nutrient loading to the basin, particularly from Ontario tributaries including the Grand River, suffer from many of the same challenges as the Maumee River watershed such as insufficient 14 Great Lakes Nutrients Synthesis, Summary of Literature, IJC Reports, and DAPs March 2022 understanding of BMP effectiveness and of legacy P cycling in the system (Hanief and Laursen, 20. [...] Additional uncertainties that impact future decisions about nutrient management include the abundance, distribution, and future impacts of dreissenid mussels on nutrient cycling in the lake; and important aspects of the role of stratification (Scofield et al., 2018) and upwelling versus river loading in nutrient cycling and delivery of phosphorus to macroalgae along the north shore, along with mus. [...] The workshop’s purpose was to review draft project findings and refine recommendations developed and summarized in the interim report (October 25, 2021) prepared by the contractor team, including three primary objectives: • Review conclusions of the draft assessment concerning the adequacy of DAPs and their implementation for Lake Erie in light of recommendations from IJC reports and other recent.


Allan, J

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