cover image: Instructions for Detailed Contributions and Canadian CommonCV - FRQNT - POSTDOCTORAL GRANTS VERSION


Instructions for Detailed Contributions and Canadian CommonCV - FRQNT - POSTDOCTORAL GRANTS VERSION

6 Sep 2023

For more information about the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal and confidential information you provide in your funding application, please see the Statement regarding the protection of personal and confidential information, found in the “DOCUMENTS” tab in FRQnet. [...] The description should include the name of the organization, the position or type of activity, the start and end dates, and the reason why the contribution is important (i.e. [...] The 5-year target period is calculated from the date of application for funding or the letter of intent for programs where the letter of intent is an eliminatory step in the evaluation process. [...] Descriptions should include the title, patent or intellectual property rights number and date, country(ies) of issue, the name(s) of the inventor(s), and the relevance or impact of the invention, product, or work. [...] 2.3 Funding history • The full title of the grant and the funding agency; • Your role in the application (principal investigator, co-investigator, collaborator); • The amount of the grant; • Collaborative grant (number of co-investigators): the amount of the grant attributed to you; • Funding start and end dates (YYYY-MM).


Retamal Covarrubias, Leira

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