cover image: INSIGHT: SOUTH ASIA - Admission scams push Indian international students in Canada to the brink of


INSIGHT: SOUTH ASIA - Admission scams push Indian international students in Canada to the brink of

7 Sep 2023

SEPTEMBER 7, 2023 INSIGHT: SOUTH ASIA Admission scams push Indian international students in Canada to the brink of deportation THE TAKEAWAY 2022, Ottawa increased the number of study permits Canada’s education system consistently ranks as for international students by 151.7 per cent. [...] Overtaking However, a recent rise in admissions-related fraud and Chinese students in terms of numbers, Indian students threats of deportation highlight an overburdened and are attracted to Canada in part because of the Canadian under-resourced Canadian immigration system, which dollar’s favourable exchange rate against the U. [...] The students remain in a precarious limbo insufficient support for international students as as they await Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship current policies and programs often fall short in Canada’s (IRCC) assessment of each individual case. [...] Earlier this year, two private Canadian response to fraudulent cases Canadian colleges were involved in international Former Canadian immigration minister Sean Fraser student scams, allegedly misleading Indian students addressed the issue of international students facing about admissions to college programs. [...] This points deportation due to fraudulent acceptance letters in to a lack of sufficient institutional and government a June 14 statement, highlighting cases in which oversight throughout the recruitment and admissions students were genuinely deceived but noting that others processes for international students, particularly within exploited the system knowingly.
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