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Expert Panel describes path to bring critical antibiotics to Canadian market - News Release

6 Sep 2023

Expert Panel describes path to bring critical antibiotics to Canadian market News Release September 7, 2023 – Ottawa, ON The global pipeline for new antimicrobials isn’t keeping pace with the rise of antimicrobial resistance, and countries around the world are looking for ways to make better use of existing drugs while encouraging the development and availability of new ones. [...] “New and accessible treatments are critical to preserve the life-saving effectiveness of antimicrobials for everyone in Canada, and particularly the most vulnerable.” In its 2019 report, When Antibiotics Fail, the CCA determined that more than 14,000 deaths in Canada in 2018 were associated with resistant infections, which cost healthcare systems about $1.4 billion, and the Canadian economy $2 bil. [...] Despite the urgency of the situation, development of new antimicrobials has been sluggish, and of the 18 antibiotics that have launched commercially since 2010, only 3 are marketed in Canada. [...] "This report details an approach that would maintain these myriad benefits by finding new mechanisms to motivate the development and commercialization of novel antimicrobials." The Public Health Agency of Canada asked the CCA to examine what economic pull incentives have the greatest potential for success in encouraging the market entry and sustained market availability of high-value antimicrobial. [...] The report also analyzes the role of complementary policies relating to research and development, regulatory review, surveillance, and diagnostics, which all have the potential to enhance the impact of a pull incentive.


Kelly Loverock

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