cover image: Restarting Canada’s Energy Sector − Innovation and the Spirit of the Coureur des Bois

Restarting Canada’s Energy Sector − Innovation and the Spirit of the Coureur des Bois

30 Mar 2022

The MEI’s Energy Series aims to examine the economic impact of the development of various energy sources and to challenge the myths and unrealistic proposals related to this important field of activity. [...] Restarting Canada’s Energy Sector − Innovation and the Spirit of the Coureur des Bois Similarly, nearly all innovations in the energy sector future production, with Canadian oil and gas capital have occurred outside Ottawa and established institu- expenditure down 54% for the second quarter of the tions. [...] There are now fundamental disagreements, and porary decimation of energy and commodity demand, confusion, about the role of energy in society.15 This except for lumber.9 The longer-term challenge relates has reached the point where rationing is even enter- to the lack of consensus on energy use and policy par- tained for consumption of a hypothetical energy source alysis on the energy and climate. [...] It is doubtful if any of these projects would be approved in 2021, yet all The one exception to the private sector driving change in the energy sector is the radical transformation of continue to have an impact on reducing infrastructure and generation capacity facilitated by the carbon intensity of the North governments during World War II and the Cold War.44 American power system. [...] 7 Restarting Canada’s Energy Sector − Innovation and the Spirit of the Coureur des Bois APPENDIX: DATABASE OF ENERGY INNOVATION IN CANADA Period Stimulus Location Summary Insights 1200s Changing climate in Northern Canada The eastward expansion of the Paleo-Innuit New technologies and tools can expand the eastern Siberia and across the Arctic region was facilitated by areas suitable for h.


Andrew Pickford

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