cover image: Social Prescribing - For Human Connection Support Materials - Community Health & Wellbeing


Social Prescribing - For Human Connection Support Materials - Community Health & Wellbeing

19 Sep 2023

Human Connection Event Social Prescribing For Human Connection Support Materials Community Health & Wellbeing Week 2023 Social Prescribing for Human Connection The purpose of the Human Connection Event is to address the prevalent issue of isolation within our communities, providing an opportunity for individuals to connect with others and experience the power of social prescribing. [...] Remember to consider the interests and preferences of your event participants, do a call for volunteers and create opportunities for community engagement. [...] Documentation and Reporting: Compile photos, videos, and participant testimonials to create a report highlighting the success and impact of the event. [...] Our goal is to host a cross-Ontario Human Connection Event and feature the power of Social Prescribing as a way to combat social isolation. [...] Join us in celebrating the beauty of human connection and the potential of social prescribing at the "Cultivating Connections: Social Prescribing for Human Connection Event." Let's come together to make a positive impact in our community.


Sofia Ramirez

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