cover image: 2023 Provincial Election  1 2 3 4 5


2023 Provincial Election 1 2 3 4 5

5 Sep 2023

to employment with the following five key pillars: training and employment in the construction and maintenance of social housing. [...] 10,00Re0ve rsed requires at least 10,000 additional units additional of social housing right now to meet the The Manitoba government will need units of housing needs of the lowest-income a plan that explores all opportunities for expanding supply through new social Manitobans. [...] New social housing supply will not help Going forward, the Manitoba government Protect to reduce homelessness and housing must prevent these losses to ensure existing insecurity if we don’t prevent the new social housing supply results in a social loss of existing units. [...] Enhance Manitoba’s Residential Tenancies Act The severe loss of low-rent units in the security of prevents the loss of housing through private market is largely the result of tenure. [...] The construction, generRaevetrsed a greater return on public Support maintenance, renovation and retrofitting investments in the construction and and partner of social housing offers opportunities for maintenance of social housing.
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