cover image: Appendix 1: Canadian Take-Home Naloxone Program Guidance Report


Appendix 1: Canadian Take-Home Naloxone Program Guidance Report

3 Aug 2023

The funders have no role in the design of the study, collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data, or preparation, review, and approval of the guidance document. [...] We conducted an umbrella scoping review (a review of published reviews) to characterize the existing knowledge base related to the use of naloxone in the community setting and to identify gaps in the literature (Moustaqim-Barrette, Dhillon, et al., 2021). [...] FINALIZING AND RELEASING THE GUIDANCE A key element to developing guidelines in the public health field is to promote health equity (World Health Organization, 2014), and we aimed to center the health and wellbeing of people who use drugs in the guidance development project (Adams et al., 2022) The leadership group and research team generated preliminary recommendations and strength of recommendat. [...] The GRADE framework stresses the importance of separate judgements about the quality of the evidence and the strength of recommendations; while strong recommendations may be more judiciously issued in the context of low quality evidence they are in line with the framework (see section 1.2 in the GRADE handbook) (Schünemann et al., 2013). [...] STRENGTH OF RECOMMENDATION We categorized the recommendation on overdose response as strong because of the following factors: Balance of desirable and undesirable consequences: The most important consideration in overdose response is the preservation of life.


Ferguson, Max [BCCDC]

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