cover image: Everything is One Case Study: Berries Overview 1 BCINVASIVES.CA


Everything is One Case Study: Berries Overview 1 BCINVASIVES.CA

1 Sep 2023

Women were the traditional berry pickers and they carefully monitored the health of the plants in certain areas. [...] Later, Cyril noted, the people also used to fertilize their vegetable gardens, orchards and domesticated berry bushes around their houses using the same methods and nurturing materials, as well as adding seaweed, usually in the fall, just before winter set in and after people had processed the fall runs of salmon. [...] Mel shared a story that demonstrated how the once abundant and well-tended huckleberry bushes may have contributed to the health of the woodpecker population, which kept the pine beetle population in check. [...] The people maintained the growth of the huckleberries; the propagating mature woodpeckers fed the desired huckleberries to their young while they in turn feasted on the pine beetles. [...] Ocean Falls was the most productive berry picking area, and our grannies used to row there each summer to pick and preserve berries in the traditional way—by sun drying berry cakes, much like the fruit leather that is now sold in grocery stores.
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