cover image: Learning about learning   - Since 2021, Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN), has been working to improve evidence-informed


Learning about learning - Since 2021, Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN), has been working to improve evidence-informed

6 Oct 2023

To help us prepare for the work of building that strategy, which we called the DEAL (Data, Evidence-use And Learning) Strategy, we decided to explore the landscape and talk to people who have worked for years with data and evidence for various purposes, whether to inform funding decisions, craft policy solutions, connect people around an issue, evaluate outcomes or simply illuminate the context of. [...] The report is being shared widely now to inform and to prompt further thinking about how to approach this complicated topic. [...] What became very clear to us is that to have a good conversation and to make solid progress on advancing learning within organizations, there need to be clear and shared objectives among a group of participants who place a similar priority on a learning agenda in their organization and have the mandate and bandwidth to execute it. [...] We invite you to join us in advancing the agenda of knowledge sharing and collective learning in the sector. [...] Read our report, reach out to ONN, Ajah, or Powered by Data (PbD) to find out more and to let us know if you want to support a peer learning circle that will engage in ongoing conversation about how we can advance learning agendas for ourselves and for the whole sector.
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