cover image: Podcast:  Bio:  Episode description: Transcript  Kara Ruff:

Podcast: Bio: Episode description: Transcript Kara Ruff:

29 Aug 2023

There can be a great mistrust of the healthcare system by Indigenous Peoples, and that is why there are programs and supports in place to try and break down some of those barriers and improve access to culturally safe care. [...] The tripartite agreement between the First Nations Leadership Council, the Government of BC, and the Government of Canada determined the benefits that would be offered through the FNHA. [...] In the Constitution of Canada, Métis are recognized as possessing Aboriginal rights, with the exception of some related to harvesting, but the right to health has not been defined or fully discussed, so Métis individuals do not have access to the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program. [...] The BC Association of Friendship Centres also has a page dedicated to the “Doulas for Aboriginal Families Grant Program” that highlights doulas approved for Indigenous members to access through the grant to be able to have a birth that more suits their wants and needs. [...] The search engine will list all of the services in the area, if there are fees associated, and how to access the services.


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