cover image: CPAWS Comments on Parks Canada’s National Urban Parks Policy Consultation - Anna Pidgorna, PhD


CPAWS Comments on Parks Canada’s National Urban Parks Policy Consultation - Anna Pidgorna, PhD

15 May 2023

We look forward to seeing the draft National Urban Parks Policy and will continue to support the implementation of the National Urban Park Program across the country. [...] Overall, we are pleased with the Discussion paper and the Backgrounder and support both the intent behind these documents and the spirit of the proposed National Urban Parks Policy (hereafter, the Policy). [...] Additional monitoring and evaluation processes applicable to NUPs include the biannual Minister’s Roundtable on Parks Canada, which would allow the general public and stakeholders to provide feedback to the Minister on his work with regards to the NUPs. [...] While we broadly agree that “the national urban park continues to only include land and water uses, infrastructure, or development activities that are consistent with the objectives of the park or are vital to the function of the urban area”, we strongly suggest that the latter portion of this recommendation be clarified and not left to the interpretation of governing authorities. [...] Zoning is essential for optimal design and management of NUPs due to the often patchy and disconnected nature of the ecosystems the NUP is being created to protect.


Anna Pidgorna

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