cover image: 2023 - CANADIAN AID TRENDS 2


23 Oct 2023

What is missing is a simple table (see an example, next page) that sets out the Budgeted IAE for the previous year, the Actual projected IAE for this previous year, the current year IAE Budget, and a running projection for the total IAE Budgets for the following five years, ideally to 2030, the period for which the Government has promised annual increases. [...] In the long run, this could lead to a gradual erosion of the critical functions of the mul- tilateral system, such as providing strategic and long-term oversight of key reforms, and adapting to the evolving and expanding nature of global development challenges.”26 In 2018, Canada earmarked US$1.4 billion in contributions to multilateral organizations, compared to US$1.2 billion in core contributio. [...] According to the DAC, CSOs based in partner countries received only 7% of Canadian ODA channelled to and through CSOs in 2020, up from 5% in 2015.28 (Chart 20) Chart 20: DAC Canadian ODA to CSOs by Location of Organizations According to the OECD DAC,29 at 27% in 2019 and 28% in 2020, Canada ranks 7th in the share of its total Bilateral ODA (including in-donor expenditures on refugees etc.) channel. [...] Cooperation Canada 2023 Canadian Aid Trends 40 Role of GAC Branches in Disbursements through CSOs The share of Partnerships Branch in GAC disbursements to and through CSOs has varied over the seven years from a low of 20% in 2017/18 to a high of 33% in 2020/21, returning to 22% in 2021/22. [...] (See the list of the top 20 countries in Annex Eight.) LDCs are strongly represented among the top 20 country recipients, moving from 64% of the total for these 20 countries in the 2017/18 to 2019/20 period, to 76% in 2021/22.

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