cover image: Submission to the National Housing Council


Submission to the National Housing Council

31 Aug 2023

We submit this brief to express our solidarity with other housing and human rights advocates and people with lived experience of core housing need and homelessness, and to share stories from our own communities about the lived impacts of financialization on the right to housing. [...] Article 2 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights2 (ICESCR) sets out what governments are obligated to do to help realize these rights: ● Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take steps, individually and through international assistance and cooperation, especially economic and technical, to the maximum of its available resources, with a view to achie. [...] The concept of banishment accurately captures the repercussions of the violent practices and processes of financialized landlords, in that their investment and management practices lead to an expulsion of racialized and indigent people who fall outside the calculus of their business model. [...] - these are the people who should be getting the tax breaks and other financial help, not the corporations!” Recommended Remedies CPJ and others endorsing this submission call on the federal government to take a strong leadership role in ensuring a coordinated, coherent approach to the progressive realization of the right to housing and other interrelated human rights, treaty rights, and climate c. [...] Nemoy Lewis, Steve Pomoroy, and the Women's National Housing and Homelessness Network, and the National Right to Housing Network for their research and contributions to the progressive realization of the right to housing in Canada.
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