cover image: INSIGHT: GREATER CHINA - Taiwan’s egg import controversy reveals cracks in


INSIGHT: GREATER CHINA - Taiwan’s egg import controversy reveals cracks in

23 Oct 2023

The program, funded with C$24.13 million As an imported egg controversy continues to rage in (570 million New Taiwan dollars) in subsidies, helped Taiwan, the government’s response to food shortages bring 145.31 million eggs to Taiwan between March and its handling of imported food products — and July and stabilized rising prices. [...] rating dropped to a record low of 38.4 per cent in Part of the unaddressed root cause lies in Taiwan’s September — down 10.4 percentage points from just a failure to upgrade egg production systems across the month prior. [...] As approximately 80 to 90 per a significant blow to the ruling Democratic Progressive cent of hens in Taiwan are still reared in crowded 'battery Party’s (DPP) presidential bid next January, as candidate cages,' egg outputs remain vulnerable to the spread of Lai Ching-te, according to one poll, continues to lead. [...] While the agricultural ministry invested in a More than half of respondents from the same poll, three-year infrastructure upgrade program for farmers however, expressed dissatisfaction over the former to convert poultry houses to open sheds and introduce agriculture minister’s handling of the egg issues. [...] to large egg vendors through a so-called ‘exclusive Some stakeholders are calling for the introduction of sales system,’ in which the per-catty price (one Taiwan a more market-based, initiative-driven production catty equals 600 grams) is fixed by a supervising and sales structure to bring about thorough, genuine committee, regardless of the egg’s size or quality.
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