cover image: ADDENDUM # 2 Issued: October 23, 2023 - SOLICITATION #:RFP 1070-2324/041


ADDENDUM # 2 Issued: October 23, 2023 - SOLICITATION #:RFP 1070-2324/041

23 Oct 2023

The owner of the land and building will be the borrower and will provider”? Apologies for the pedantic question, but hoping ultimately be responsible for operating the project in accordance to clarify whether we’d need to directly operate a building with the Operating Agreement. [...] The Proposal should include sufficient information to demonstrate that the Proponent has a good understanding of the Deliverables and to demonstrate that the Proponent is capable of performing the responsibilities and obligations under the Contract. [...] If the project is not ready to apply for CHF funding at this time, development funding for projects that do not yet meet the the proponent can apply for PDF through the CHF RFP or wait mandatory requirements for the current RFP so that these projects until the RFP is closed to apply for PDF in advance of subsequent can be further advanced in preparation for the next RFP planned RFP cycles. [...] for 2024/2025? 33 [Society] is working on a proposal in response to the CHF RFP for If the project is not ready to apply for CHF funding at this time, the the November 17thdeadline. [...] Would you be prepared to receive an application from us for 1) If the project is not ready to apply for CHF funding at this time, it pre-development funding that would assist us to be ready to is suggested to wait until the RFP is closed to apply for PDF in apply to the Community Housing Program’s funding in the advance of subsequent RFP cycles.


Karine Akopova

Published in

