cover image: Cheryl's amended CHPCA CONFERENCE SYLLABUS (8.5 × 11 in


Cheryl's amended CHPCA CONFERENCE SYLLABUS (8.5 × 11 in

4 Oct 2023

Objectives (open to feedback from committee as well on areas of focus/objectives – panelists will be able to steer the conversation/focus many ways): Describe the Bringing Vital Services to Canadians: Paramedics and Palliative Care spread collaborative and the model of care that was developed and implemented across the country. [...] Highlight the benefits of the approach and collaborative from the perspectives of different disciplines who support those with palliative care needs in the community, their families and caregivers. [...] Participants will create their map and learn about the other free resources designed to increase the awareness and use of the care map in the community and with healthcare professionals. [...] 7578: Insights from the Ontario Pilot Project of the Canadian Palliative Care Atlas: Mapping Palliative Care Service Availability and System Performance Jeffrey Moat The Canadian Palliative Care Atlas, the first of its kind in Canada, aims to map existing strengths, areas of excellence, and gaps across regions and provinces with respect to palliative care service availability. [...] 7677: Providing Palliative Care to Refugees: A Qualitative Case Study Exploring Barriers and Facilitators in the Greater Hamilton Area (GHA) of Ontario Priya Gupta This oral presentation will provide a case study on barriers to and facilitators in providing palliative care to refugee populations in the Greater Hamilton Area (GHA) of Ontario from the perspectives of primary care providers (PCPs) an.


Cheryl Spencer

Published in