cover image: Research in Canada, for Canada: A value proposition


Research in Canada, for Canada: A value proposition

28 Sep 2023

Its purpose it will continue to is to highlight the importance and value of the research prosper are the supported by governments, academic research institutions, and the private and not-for-profit sectors in Canada. [...] The recent pandemic demonstrated to know that they the value of basic and applied research that, together, can participate in enabled the creation and production of needed analyses of epidemiological data, vaccines and a ventilator made the development from universally available parts. [...] Canada and hurricanes devastating the Atlantic coast, The desire to gain knowledge and understanding is a way to no region of Canada escapes affirm our humanity and enable our contributions to people the effects of human-induced in Canada from coast to coast to coast. [...] La recherche en français: an advantage for Canada Research is a vector of development and prosperity for society and, in the Canadian context, research conducted in French is crucial to the vitality and development of Quebec and of French-speaking minority communities across the country. [...] This means investing not only in the black swans but in the areas that will serve and sustain all areas of endeavour such as data, digital resources, scholarships and fellowships to support the next generation of researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators, and the equipment and labs that will allow them to thrive.


Canada Foundation for Innovation

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