Microsoft Word - IOF Code of Conduct FINAL2023June02.docx IOF Code of Conduct and Response Protocol 2023 June 02 UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries (IOF) Code of Conduct and Response Protocol Building on the UBC Statement on Respectful Environment Final version 1.0 (2 June 2023) Code of Conduct As a unit of the University of British Columbia (UBC), the IOF is committed to necessary and ong. [...] Freedom of expression and the promotion of free inquiry in the academic process cannot exist without an equally vigorous commitment to recognition of, and respect for, the freedoms of others, and concern for the well-being of every member of the IOF community. [...] to respect and support the needs of other members of the IOF community for a respectful environment, which would include valuing each other’s views and appreciating our diverse individual contributions to IOF's vision and mission (as outlined in the UBC Statement on Respectful Environment). [...] ● Discriminatory harassment includes comments or conduct that one knows or ought reasonably to know is unwelcome, that creates a negative impact for the recipient, and is related to one or more of the prohibited grounds of discrimination as set out in the BC 3 IOF Code of Conduct and Response Protocol 2023 June 02 Human Rights Code (e.g. [...] Respect for the dignity and rights of all IOF members underpins all interactions and activities within the IOF and is central to the well-being and full participation of all IOF members.