31 Oct 2023

In partnership with the Canada of the issues affecting where artists in our cities are able to live Council for the Arts, Toronto Arts Council led the development and work (the survey is available as a separate, downloadable of this project in collaboration with the City of Vancouver, Appendix A). [...] never would have had the opportunity to focus on that work if I had to worry about however many jobs that I had at the time to While the financial costs of living and working are one dimension pay the bills.” As well, a photographer we spoke with expressed of whether or not artists are valued and welcomed in particular that “[the pandemic] ended up allowing me to regroup, refocus, parts of the fou. [...] This artist noted that they can qualify for a mortgage.” have stayed in both Vancouver and the film industry because, despite the struggle, they try to put their earnings into “getting Concentration of Artists in Canada | 17 Money Talks: Income and the Value of Work there are restrictions on how much of a project a grant will cover), this directly—and negatively—impacts the amount of time The them. [...] It was felt that the ways that the about “how much [they] pay the person, if [they] will be paying arts are presented in Calgary’s news media do not adequately that much consistently, and if [they] foresee that [the person] will reflect the reality of what the arts are, thereby contributing to the stay in [their] employ for the next year.” In thinking about possible perception that the arts are no. [...] They noted ways to address housing, one artist cited the Arts Commons— that there is “one main person that covers theatre in Calgary” western Canada’s largest performing arts centre and a federally and that, “recognition of independent theatre in the city is really registered charity—and the number of renovations it has been lacking.” Given the corporate culture in the city that the artists throug.


Canada Council for the Arts

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